The VDWC aims to make information and documents easily accessible to members of the public. The statements listed in this part outline the functions of the Commission and provide a non-exhaustive list of the types of information and documents we hold in relation to our functions.

Organisation and functions

The VDWC is an independent body established under the Disability Service Safeguards Act 2018 (Vic) (DSS Act) to regulate disability workers and disability students who provide disability services in Victoria, including receiving and dealing with complaints and notifications about them. More information about the Victorian Disability Worker Regulation Scheme, under the DSS Act, and the functions and decision-making powers of the Commission, Victorian Disability Worker Commissioner and the Disability Worker Registration Board of Victoria can be found on our website at:

Categories of documents

The Commission creates and stores a broad range of documents electronically and in hard copy. These documents include:

  • Policies and procedures
  • Correspondence
  • Reports
  • Briefings
  • Employee records
  • Financial records
  • Training and educational material
  • Images and videos
  • Registers

Documents are organised under the following categories:

  • Administrative
  • Business
  • Training and education
  • Policy
  • Legal
  • Human resources


The VDWC produces a number of publications which can be accessed and downloaded from our website at:

The VDWC Complaints and feedback policy is published at:

Rules, policies and procedures

The VDWC has a range of policies and procedures that govern its daily operations and support its administrative functions, including policies and procedures around:

  • Conflict of interest
  • Records management
  • Complaints about the VDWC
  • Complaint handling
  • Privacy
  • FOI requests made to the VDWC
  • Safety and risk.

The VDWC applies policies of the Department of Health and Human Services to the extent they apply.


The VDWC publishes an annual report each year.  These reports can be viewed and downloaded at:

Freedom of Information arrangements

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act) provides an individual person the right to request access to documents held by the VDWC.

The object of the FOI Act is to extend as far as possible the right of the community to access information in the possession of the Government and other entities constituted under the law of Victoria.

You have a legal right to request access or correction of your personal information held by us under the FOI Act. Your request must be made in writing and clearly describe the documents you are seeking access to. Once we understand what documents you are seeking, we will process your request and provide you with a decision within the statutory timeframe, being 30 days after the date of your request, or up to 45 days if consultation with third parties is required.

You need to include the application fee ($30.10 from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022 increasing to $30.60 from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023) or provide evidence of financial hardship (such as a Centrelink concession card) if you are asking for us to waive the fee. Further access charges may apply where documents are released under the FOI Act, unless this would cause hardship.

In many instances, we will be able to provide you with the information you are seeking without requiring you to make a formal request for access. Please contact us about your request.

Requests under the FOI Act should be:

  • emailed to; or
  • mailed or hand delivered during business hours and marked for the attention of the 'FOI Officer', Victorian Disability Worker Commission, Level 20, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000.

Please describe what documents you are requesting access to, and please try to be clear and specific about the documents you are seeking access to. If the requested documents are about your personal affairs, you should provide evidence of your identity (e.g. certified copy of your current drivers licence or other photographic identification).

Payments for the application fee can be made by cheque or money order made out to the 'Victorian Disability Worker Commission'.

If you are seeking to not pay the fee because it would cause you hardship, please tell us this in your application. We may require certified copies of documents to support your fee waiver application.

For further information about making an FOI request, visit the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner.